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Many keyless entry remote Key Fobs and Smart Keys are self-programmable. However, some vehicles specially the newer vehicles with push to start buttons will require an Automotive Locksmith with special equipment. Here you will find programming instructions for Keyless Entry Remote Key Fobs and Transponder Keys. Click below to select your Vehicle.
We are constantly working on improving this website and making more programming instructions available.


  • does it best to make sure the information viewed on our website is accurate. We will not be held responsible, however, for technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
  • shall not be held liable for damage or loss due to your use of any programming procedures used from this website.
  • does not make any warranties about the procedures listed or about the accuracy of the programming procedures.
  • accepts no responsibility for content, or other problems that may occur from the use of the programming procedures used from this website.

Vehicle Makes

All You Need To Know About Key Fob Programming

A new Replacement Key Fob doesn't work until you program it to your car! But we are here to help you make it happen. When you get your keyless entry remote, you need to program it to your car so that you can use it to access and lock your vehicle. Do not panic, with our support, you will have it ready in just minutes.

Depending on the vehicle you have, you will be able to do it yourself or you can rely on automotive locksmith professionals to help you with the Keyless Remote Programming.

What you can do:

1. Check your vehicle's owner’s manual to verify if you can program your Car Remote or Key Fob on your own. It can be checked in a section named "Keyless Entry" or "Key fob". You may find the Car Key Programming Instructions printed on that page.

2. Check the “Program Your Remote” page on our website to find the Key Fob Programming Instructions for your vehicle.

3. You can contact the Service Center of the local car dealership and ask if your key fob is self-programmable. If yes, you can request them to send you the Key Fob Programming Instructions via Email or Fax. You can also pick them up at their location.

4. If you find out that you can program the Car Key Replacement yourself, have patience and follow the Key Fob Programming Instructions carefully. It requires patience and timing and you have it.

Key Fob Programming by professional automotive Locksmith:

1. You can save time and difficulties, if you let an auto locksmith program the smart key. The cost could be up to 80 dollars and it could cost you up to 120$ if the fob and the remote are both in the same unit (remote head key). It basically depends on the type of key.

Visit our “Find a Locksmith” page to find a verified local Locksmith. You can also search on google for "key fob programming near me" or "key programming near me" or "car key fob programming near me". Have in mind that you can always use a mobile locksmith that will go wherever you are to solve the problem. There are also 24/7 emergency locksmith services available.

2. You can contact your auto mechanic. If you are a good and reliable client, they might program your car key for free, if they have the Key Fob programming equipment.

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