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Do You Have Lost Car Keys? Read What You Need To Do Next

Do You Have Lost Car Keys? Read What You Need To Do Next

Adriana Rueda |

If you’ve lost your car keys, it can be easy to get worried or nervous about how you’ll be able to access your car and transport yourself around. Panic is natural, but it’s important to remain calm because a locksmith will be able to help you get access to your car at once. We at Locksmith Keyless are located in Miami and provide key cutting supplies to locksmiths around the area and are very familiar with the process of replacing lost car keys. We want to share what we know so that you know the steps you need to take in order to receive your car key replacement. Stay calm, take a deep breath, and follow these tips to get yourself back on the road.

What if Your Keys are Locked in Your Car?

Before we talk about how to replace your car keys, we’d like to take a quick moment to share information on what to do if they aren’t lost but locked in your car. Generally, the best way to go about this is by calling a tow service. These professionals will have the tools to help you gain access to your vehicle, and the costs may be covered by your car insurance with no immediate payment. If you want to have tools of your own, though, you can open your locked car yourself. It’s best to have tools designed for this task, rather than using makeshift solutions like hangers. We at Locksmith Keyless offer such tools online.

Steps to Replacing Lost Car Keys

The first thing you need to know about how to receive a car key replacement is that the steps to obtaining one vary depending on the type of car key you had. As time progressed, car keys became more complex in order to protect drivers from automobile theft. The only downside is that it makes it more difficult to replace your key, though not impossible. Here’s what you need to know for each type of key:

  • Mechanical Keys
    • These are the standard older keys and are relatively simple. A locksmith will be able to provide you with a replacement without any kind of hassle.
  • Key Fobs
    • A key fob is the remote locking and unlocking device that is used alongside a mechanical key for starting the car once you’re inside. You’ll be able to find replacement key fobs anywhere that auto parts are sold, but a locksmith can be helpful with both finding one and programming one to suit your car. 
  • Key Fob with Attached Key
    • This kind of key fob has the mechanical key attached. You can find these at a dealership if you’re looking to buy a new one, but a certified locksmith can both cut and program you a new one for an affordable rate. It’s a good idea to compare pricing between your options.
  • Transponder Keys
    • A transponder key is an ignition key with a computer chip inside. This is a more secure kind of key, but it also makes it difficult to find a replacement. Your best bet is to have your vehicle towed to your nearest dealership to confirm that you own the car to get a replacement.

Contact Us to Help with a Car Key Replacement

Need to replace your lost car keys in Miami? Look no further than Locksmith Keyless. Our professionals are here to help you get yourself back behind the wheel and on the road. We can help you replace your lost keys or help you identify the type of keys you have if you’re still unsure. Contact us today to get more information. 

3 minute read

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