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5 Common Key Ignition Problems

5 Common Key Ignition Problems

Adriana Rueda |

Car ignition is a key component of your car, but unfortunately few people pay attention to their car ignition until their vehicle just won’t start. By then, it can be too late. There are quite a few reasons that your car ignition may stop working, and many of them can be prevented if you are careful and check for issues once in a while. Read on to learn more about the 5 most common causes of car ignition failures and what you are able to do in order to repair or prevent them. If you are looking for a car key replacement in the Miami area, call Locksmith Keyless for our key replacement services today!

Reasons Your Ignition Isn’t Working

There are several common issues that could cause your car ignition to stop working. Before you start looking for a car key replacement, it’s important to make sure that your ignition isn’t the cause of your car not starting. Here are some common reasons that your ignition may not work properly:

  •  Defective key due to manufacturing- A lot of times the ignition key is worn-out, defective, or is unable to sync with the immobilizer. This makes it hard to turn, not turn at all, or just won’t be able to start the car due to a cutting or programming error. There isn’t much that you are able to do about this other than take the car in for a repair or call a mobile auto locksmith such as Locksmith Keyless to your location. If you are under warranty then there shouldn’t be a problem getting the ignition replaced for free, especially if you go to an authorized repair center. In the majority of cases, the key can be reprogrammed or duplicated.
  • Wrong Key In The Car Ignition- Depending on your vehicle’s make and model, your car ignition may be large enough to fit other types of keys inside. It’s not uncommon for people to accidentally swap their keys and put the wrong key (like your house key) in the ignition and have it jammed inside. If this occurs, you shouldn't try to get the key out yourself since you could end up doing even more damage. It is highly recommended that you talk to a professional locksmith to get the key out.

We Provide Key Replacement Services

  • Wrong Car Ignition Cylinder- As time goes on your ignition cylinder can wear down which in turn can wear down the wafers inside the tumbler of your car ignition. As this happens, your car key will be unable to press down the correct wafers and the ignition will be unable to turn over. When this situation occurs one or few pins inside of the cylinder is broken and the whole ignition will have to be replaced. 
  • Transponder Stopped Communicating- Inside a lot of keys, there is a small transponder that talks to your car when you try to start it. When you attempt to turn the ignition over, your car’s computer receives a signal and if the signals match then the car will start. If the programming has gone haywire, then your car may not recognize your key and you will need to have the key reprogrammed with the original codes. 
  • Objects Or Dirt In The Car Ignition Cylinder- Quite often dirt can get inside an ignition cylinder, and over the course of a few years enough grime and dust can build up in the cylinder to stop the key from working correctly. Other issues like part of your key breaking off in the ignition (even a tiny piece) can make it impossible to start your car. You should have your ignition lock cleaned once or twice a year and have your keys checked by a professional annually.

Contact Us Today

There are many problems that can occur with your ignition, from car key replacement to a worn-down cylinder. Call Locksmith Keyless for your Miami key replacement services today!

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