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How to Replace Your Car's Key Fob

Car Key fob replacement


The days of replacing a Car Key by having an inexpensive blank key copied and cut at a locksmith store things from the past. Newer vehicles today come either with a push-button start system or smart key entry remote fob, even sometimes having both systems.

These modern Car Key Fobs are very useful in day to day living, they add security and comfort but if you lose the key or it breaks can be a nightmare.

Our aim is to try to save you money and time. First of all, before paying an expensive replacement for a new Key Fob, make sure your insurance or roadside assistance coverage does not cover the replacement Key. Sometimes even the dealer once you buy the car gives you the option of getting your Key Fob insured.

It is very costly to replace Smart Key Fobs. Price average can run anywhere between $100 for a regular brand to as high as $600 if you own a high end brand or model or European car. The Key Fobs for Mercedes, BMW cars and SUVs are typically the most expensive, thanks to their high end rolling-code encryption system to prevent theft.

Now that you got your fob replacement, you need to program it to the car. Old models have DIY features for the remotes but you still need to cut the key or program the chip inside the transponder key.

If it's a newer key fob, you will definitely need to go to an automotive locksmith in order to program it for your car. To find a local Automotive Locksmith visit the Find A Locksmith page of Locksmith Keyless website.

Car dealerships can give you a hard time programming aftermarket Key Fob, that's why we usually recommend you to work with your local locksmith. They are the best bet helping you on programming your remote.

Most auto locksmiths we know can do a Key Fob programming in around 10-50 minutes for the whole process of programming and cutting the mechanical key with their key cutting machine, if you need basic key cut or a laser cut you will be confident that they will have the right Locksmith Tool.

Our best locksmiths are always giving us advice and at the same time we are always here for them and trying to send them business. You can have a license locksmith with the best warranty of service on our website. Check the "Find A Locksmith" page now.

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