How to Program a Car Key
- Key Fob, Key Programming, Key Replacement, Lock Picking Tools, Locksmith
- 04 Mar, 2020
Keeping our cars safe requires a number of safety measures are in place, and one of those is aspects is making it so that someone cannot simply replicate a key and take our vehicles. For that reason, if you end up losing a key, you’ll need to do a few things. First is replace the key, but then you’ll need to have the key programmed for your car. At Locksmith Keyless, we offer both auto key replacement and car key programming in Miami and have helped our clients return to the road without worry. That said, what if you need to program the key yourself? We’d like to share with you our knowledge so that you have a better understanding of what’s needed to get back behind the wheel after you’ve lost your keys.
The Two Ways to Program Your Key
Depending on the kind of key you have, you’ll need to tackle the programming of your key in one of two ways. The best way to go about beginning your key programming is by double-checking with your car’s manual on how to do it the way that the manufacturer has listed. Some cars will require you to have two programmed keys on-hand, and you may also need to have a transponder installed in your new key as many newer cars utilize them for anti-theft purposes. If your key needs a new transponder, you’ll still need to take it to a keysmith. You
- Method 1: Car Key
- You’ll likely need two keys that are already programmed in order to do this for a new key yourself. Separate the keys and keep a note of which are programmed and which are not. Insert the programmed key into your car’s ignition and let it sit for a moment. Start your car without turning on the engine. Turn the car back off. Repeat this with the other programmed key. Repeat again but with the unprogrammed key and work fast; however, once you turn the car back off with the unprogrammed key, leave it in the ignition. If you did everything correctly, the security light on your dashboard will turn on for a few moments before turning off. The new key should now be programmed.
- Method 2: Electronic Key Fob
- You’ll need a remote to control your car for this one. Make sure your doors are all closed. Turn on the car through the ignition with a key while leaving the engine off. Use your remote to hit the lock button, pointing it to your transmission receiver if possible, and you’ll want to do this quickly after turning the car on. Turn the car off and remove the key--quickly repeating this for other key fobs you need to program. If you hear the locks on your car moving, it usually means the process worked.
Auto Key Replacement
When going in to have your car keys replaced, you’ll want to make sure you have some information about your car on you just in case. This includes your car’s VIN number, make, model, and year. With this information, you can go to a professional locksmith to have your key replaced and possibly programmed. It is possible to find the keys you need online, though this won’t always work nor will it always be the cheaper option.
Contact Us for Car Key Programming
Now that you have a better understanding of how car key programming works, you’re better prepared to handle that situation should you need to cross that bridge. That said, letting the professionals handle that and your auto key replacement is still the easiest way to go about replacing lost car keys. If you live in Miami, then Locksmith Keyless is here to provide those services for you. Contact us today to learn more about what we offer and how we can help you get back on the road as soon as possible.