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Ditch The Old Coat Hanger. We Have The Right Car Opening Tools For You

Ditch The Old Coat Hanger. We Have The Right Car Opening Tools For You

Adriana Rueda |

Locking your keys in the car is one of the most frustrating things we can experience throughout the day, but there will always be practical ways to deal with the situation. What many would consider the breaking point of their day can easily be downsized into a small hiccup that you breeze through with ease. With the right car opening tools, you’ll find yourself back in your car in no time! If you don’t know where to look, Locksmith Keyless has the tools you need! We’ve helped locals throughout the Miami area and would be thrilled to help you, too!

What Do You Currently Use as a Car Door Opener?

The No. 1 preferred tool when it comes to opening a car door will be the old wire coat hanger. Sure, these have found a way to get the job done in the past. In today’s society, there’s simply an easier and more advanced way to do things. After all, isn’t your goal to get back in your car as soon as possible?

Believe it or not, there are several different ways of getting back into your car that doesn’t involve a coat hanger or breaking the window. Not every situation will call for a locksmith to come and rescue you, meaning you can get on with your day quicker than usual. 

Locksmith Keyless Has the Car Opening Tools You Need!

When it comes to finding the right car door opener, it’s essential to understand that there are three different kinds of tools being made. Each will be used differently, and some situations might call for a specific tool, but they can all get you back on the road if you know how to use them. 

The first will be a wedge and probe, which is the most common solution to opening a locked car. The wedge will be used to create an opening between the door and the frame. You’ll then use the probe to either manipulate the door lock or grab your keys. This will often be the safest way of getting back into your car with the least risk of damage.

Another standard tool used as a car door opener will be the slim jim, otherwise known as a closed doorway tool. These will be most useful when a wedge can’t be used, and the door remains sealed. A slim jim will fit between the window glass and the weather stripping on the door. Since it’s likely to come in contact with wires and other features of the door, the risk of damage is much higher with this method over the wedge option. 

Lastly, you can try to pick the lock on your car. This option is likely the least to be considered, for vehicles at least, due to the ever-evolving design and function of the car key and keyhole. With many vehicles these days not featuring a car key, this technique can be useless to some. For others, it could be an easy way if you know what you’re doing. 

Never Get Locked Out Again!

Locking your keys in your car doesn’t have to change the entire scope of your day. There are plenty of ways to move past this situation and get on with the task at hand. 

Whether you need help finding the right car opening tools, a replacement key, or a backup key so you never have to worry about being locked out again, contact us. We’ve helped Miami locals avoid these frustrating moments and would take great pride in doing the same for you. 

2 minute read

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